About Me
Managing Your Money

After I declared bankruptcy for the second time, I realized I needed to learn how to manage my money a lot better. I had always kind of done my own thing in regard to balancing my checkbook and things like that, but I could tell that it wasn't working for me. Instead of continuing to guess, I realized I needed to work with a financial professional to figure out where I was going wrong. It was hard for me to open up to someone, but the meetings that I had made a huge difference. I was able to learn how to manage my money, and seven years later my finances are in great shape. Check out this blog to learn how to manage your money.


3 Tips To Start Improving Your Credit

10 March 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Credit is more important than many realize. It determines whether you are going to get a loan, a job, a home and even a good rate on your insurance. Because of this, you want to make sure your credit is in the best shape it can be. Regardless of what might have happened in the past, you can begin improving your credit today and reshape it for the future. Follow these three tips below to start your credit on the right track. Read More …