Managing Your Money

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Managing Your Money

After I declared bankruptcy for the second time, I realized I needed to learn how to manage my money a lot better. I had always kind of done my own thing in regard to balancing my checkbook and things like that, but I could tell that it wasn't working for me. Instead of continuing to guess, I realized I needed to work with a financial professional to figure out where I was going wrong. It was hard for me to open up to someone, but the meetings that I had made a huge difference. I was able to learn how to manage my money, and seven years later my finances are in great shape. Check out this blog to learn how to manage your money.


Three Things You Need To Understand About Bail Bonds

14 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you are booked on any sort of charge and want to be sure that you are able to get the release that you need, you will need to understand the bail bond process. Going through the judicial process can be a scary place, but you will have more peace of mind putting together your case out in the world as opposed to behind bars. A bail hearing will grant you that release, so to receive this release in the most efficient way possible, consider the points below to learn the information that will help you out. Read More …

3 Things To Do When A Loved One Is Arrested And Jailed

13 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

No one wants to get a collect call from a loved one only to learn that he or she has been arrested and is in jail. Learning that a loved one is in jail can be very stressful, but it is essential to do several things in order to have the person released from custody while not causing problems with the case. Take the following steps after learning that someone you love is in jail: Read More …

4 Reasons To Hire A Financial Planner

11 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you're struggling to handle your own finances, it may be time to get professional help. Luckily, a financial planner can help in many ways and can make your life a lot easier. Take a look at the following information to better understand the reasons as to why you should hire a financial planner to assist you with your money matters. Get Help with Budgeting If you're struggling to keep up with your bills each month while also paying off your past debts, you may need help with budgeting. Read More …

Paying Off Your Post-Holiday Bills: Helpful Hints For You

10 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

When the holidays roll around, you feel inspired and sometimes even required, to go out and buy the perfect gifts for everybody in your life. After all, the holidays have become all about the spirit of giving and about delighting the people in your life with gifts. The problem with this can be that finding all of these gifts can put a major dent in your finances, even to the point where you spend a great deal more that you can afford. Read More …

Should You Bail Someone Out Of Jail?

9 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

In 2011, one in twenty-five Americans was arrested, and many of them were kept in custody until someone bailed them out. With arrest rates that high, you may know someone who will need to be bailed out of jail sometime in the near future. If you are asked to provide bail, should you? The answer to that question depends on the person involved, the crime committed, and your financial resources.  Read More …